
Eagle Eye Scavenger Hunt

Discover UNW and find each Screech along the way!

Eagle Eye Scavenger Hunt

By using the clues, you can find 30 hidden Eagles around the University.

Each clue describes a location where one Eagle or our Mascot, Screech the Eagle, could be hiding.

Find all of the Eagles and be entered to win a gift basket valued at $100!

  1. Find the Eagles 
  2. Take a photo with each Eagle
  3. Keep track of where you found each screech on the pamphlet, on a notepad, or on your phone
  4. Prizes will be awarded for finding 10, 20, and 30 Eagles!
10UNW Socks
20UNW Sunglasses
30UNW T-Shirt

Please return to the admissions tent with your collection by 12:00 p.m. on Friday.

For an extra entry into our grand prize drawing, post a photo on Instagram and tag @unwadmissions & @NCFCASpeechDebate

Scholarship Opportunity!
UNW offers a $2,500 scholarship over four years ($625 per year) to NCFCA students that enroll at UNW. All students need to do in order to earn this scholarship is to indicate their participation in NCFCA on their Admissions application to UNW.

Sign up for a campus tour

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Studious ScreechMathematics… no, these Eagles use decimals in a different way. If you’re confused, ask Dewey today.
Safety ScreechThese Eagles keep our campus safe and they will always greet you with a happy face.
Artist ScreechLook up high to see this Eagle bringing a new Art Exhibition to fruition.
Student Worker ScreechHere you’ll find Screech seeking to work, on-campus employment is a great perk.
Scientist ScreechHead, shoulders, knees, and toes, Eagles experiment here on those.
Golfer ScreechEagles as birds are very athletic, Screech the golfer loves to train here because if it’s aesthetic.
Stressfree ScreechWhen classes get stressful and Screech needs to escape, he forgets all his worries down by the lake.
Student Screech (in the winter)When Eagles want to avoid the wind and cold, this path to travel never grows old.
Future Student ScreechOn any UNW visit, aspiring Eagles make this their first stop, to guarantee they will end up on top.
Finance ScreechFinances can put you in a bind, but these Eagles will help ease your mind.
Late Night Snack ScreechIf Screech wants ice cream or French fries at night, this is the best place for him to grab a bite.
Hungry ScreechWarm food is best when the weather is cold, here you can sit by the fire where it is sold.
Singing ScreechHere groups of Eagles rehearse a joyful noise that will soon be heard by crowds of girls and boys.
Actor ScreechUp goes the curtain on opening night, Screech takes to the stage for his show stopping flight.
Mail Carrier ScreechThis dusty old place is where Screech would go long ago, to grab a package or letter from someone he knows.
Worship ScreechFor Prayer and Worship Eagles say this place is the best, it’s a beautiful place for their soul to rest.
President ScreechA New Eagle leads campus with mighty ambition. From a brand new location He furthers our mission.
Theologian ScreechAbove the big wooden doors where couples go to wed, see 8 eagle’s protecting the gospel writers’ heads.
Biblical Studies ScreechThis stone is a representation of Christ alone being our firm foundation.
Golden ScreechStanding big and bold, this Eagle will win you over with it’s heart of Gold.
Student Leader ScreechThis is a place where Eagle Student leaders gather to make decisions on important subject matter.
Pastoral Studies ScreechBefore college classes began here in 1972 this place was home to Catholic Nuns who could look out their quarters and see this view.
Business Student ScreechScreech goes here to learn how to market to his target, finance to advance, and account for any discounts.
Sporty ScreechTouchdown! Goal! Ace! And Homerun! These Eagles are great and second to none!
Career ScreechWorried about your future career? After visiting these Eagles, you’ll have no fear!
Prayerful ScreechThis old place is where Screech goes to pray, it’s surrounded by water and sometimes you’ll see a blue jay.
Relaxin’ ScreechAfter a long drive it’s good to take a break, this eagle likes to relax sitting by the lake.
Event Assistant ScreechWeddings, Conferences, and Meetings all come together because of this team of Eagles dealings.
Commuter ScreechFor Eagles that table to campus each day, this is where all of their cars stay.
Professor ScreechIf you’re a Professor who needs to rest, this spot in Naz is definitely best.

A Glimpse of UNW Student Life

UNW isn’t UNW without student life. Get the ultimate glimpse of what it’s like to be an Eagle!

Campus Tours

young child with Screech

Campus Tours are held at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. each day. Sign up to learn more about campus, and maybe even get a couple of extra clues!

Screech Scavenger Hunt Hero
President with wife and Screech
Screech posing with kids
Screech and Sheep
Screech at a football game on the field spreading his wings