
Tutoring & Coaching FAQs

Academic Achievement provides subject tutoring, writing tutoring, and academic coaching in addition to test-taking resources.


Will writing tutors proofread my paper?

Writing tutors do not proofread papers, nor can papers be dropped off to be picked up at a later time. A student who makes an appointment with a writing tutor can expect to be actively involved in the revising process. The Writing Center’s goal is not to make better papers but rather to assist students in becoming better writers. While tutors can help students correct their editing errors, they do so in a way conducive to learning and not just fixing.

Students can receive written feedback through the UNW Online Writing Lab by enrolling through Moodle. Constructive feedback is returned within 1-2 business days.

Do I need to make an appointment?

Subject tutoring group sessions meet at a regular day/time/location. Those semester-long schedules can be accessed online. Any student can attend–no appointment necessary! 

For writing tutoring and academic coaching, an appointment is not required but is highly recommended as students with appointments take priority over those without them. Making an appointment online is the only way to ensure availability and a reservation with a tutor or coach.

What should I bring with me?

If you are coming for subject tutoring, it would be wise to bring your textbook and any course materials you need. 

If you are coming for academic coaching, bring your planner and syllabi. 

If you are coming for help with a paper, bring the paper in whatever stage it exists, from mere ideas in your head to a final draft needing the finishing touches. It is also a good idea to bring any guidelines your professor has established for the paper so the tutor will be better equipped to answer your questions. 

If you are coming for testing, please bring your student ID card. No electronics are allowed in the testing rooms.

What happens when I arrive?

The writing tutor or coach will verify that you have an appointment or that there are no other appointments to conflict with your session. He or she will then begin by asking you about your goals for the session and suggesting a method for reaching those goals.

Subject tutors may lead guided study sessions in collaboration with faculty, or they make respond to individual needs and questions.

How long can my writing tutoring/coaching appointment be?

Appointments are made in 15-minute increments for a maximum of 1 hour. However, if there is no appointment scheduled after your time is up, you may continue your session.

What can I get writing tutoring for?

Writing tutors can help with papers from any class. Furthermore, while any papers are welcome in the Writing Center, tutors are also equipped to help with general grammar and editing topics or writing projects not specific to a class, such as cover letters or personal essays.

Do I need to make an appointment to take a test?

Appointments are recommended so staff can be ready for your arrival. Please confirm with your professor that the test has been sent to the Writing Center before you arrive.

What should I bring with me to take a test?

Please bring your Student ID card. No materials will be allowed in the testing room except for what the professor has indicated. There is also no food or drink allowed in the testing room with the exception of water.

Can I take my finals early at the Writing Center?

Finals taken early in the Writing Center must be approved by either the Registrar or Disability Services.