Hear special class speakers
In Holocaust Literature, you may hear from an actual Holocaust survivor; in novel, a current Christian Novelist; in Editing and Proofreading, several local editors; in Linguistic Research Methods, an experienced discourse analyst and translation consultant.
Work or intern on or off campus
On campus, departmental majors assist their professors, tutor writing to students in the Writing Center, and intern by writing the promotional media for the department or with Northwestern’s grant writer. Off campus, students have interned with Bethany House Publishers, Minnesota Public Radio, Redleaf Press, and Caribou Coffee, or counted their work on an intercultural trip as professional experience.
Attend department parties and events
Eat hot dogs at the fall cookout, take a bizarre gift to the white elephant Christmas party, or dazzle other party-goers with quirky word skills at game night at Professor Jones’ house. Listen to local writers at Inkstone Literary Readings.
Attend and present at conferences
Attend the Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin College or present at literature and linguistics undergraduate conferences.
Inkstone is Northwestern’s respected literary arts magazine, written and edited by Northwestern students.
Submit your writing to the Sigma Tau Delta honor society.
Go to Twin Cities events
Attend writers’ readings in venues off campus such as Minnesota’s literary center, The Loft, or special speakers for literature and linguistics at venues such as the University of Minnesota. Join the annual tradition of a trip to Minnesota’s esteemed theatre, the Guthrie, to see its spring Shakespeare play.