
History & Related Fields

The Department of History and Related Fields shapes students to possess both historical knowledge and the ability to read deeply, think historically and critically, and communicate well. These qualities equip them to impact their home, church, community, and world.

Events & News

Get the latest information on what’s happening in the history department, including events, lectures, and presentations, as well as accomplishments of professors, students, and alumni.

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Majors and Programs

The Department of History & Related Fields offers two majors: History, or Politics, History, & Economics. These majors and related programs prepare you for further graduate study (M.A., Ph.D., J.D., or M.Div.) and careers across a wide spectrum. Whatever fields our students select, they’ll find themselves equipped for meaningful careers!

Department of History & Related Fields


Nazareth Hall, N3219
3003 Snelling Avenue North
St. Paul, MN 55113

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