Teacher Education at Northwestern

The Department of Teacher Education provides teacher education programs approved by the MN Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board.

education graduates

Northwestern’s teacher education programs meet the state standards adopted for licensure programs as defined in state Rule 8710.2000 through 8710.8080. All licensure programs are aligned with InTASC (Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium) standards and the Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice.

Education programs are designed to equip students in these areas:

  • Liberal arts
  • Subject matter they will teach
  • Effective and versatile teaching and learning methods
  • Culturally competent practices
  • Family partnerships
  • Continual professional development
  • Biblical worldview in professional contexts

A wide range of P–12 school partnerships enable teacher candidates to have extensive interaction with current practitioners in the field while also receiving mentoring from Northwestern faculty.

The following degrees are granted upon satisfactory completion of the total credits specified in the university catalog:

  • Bachelor of Science (all education programs except ESL Education and Music Education)
  • Bachelor of Arts (ESL Education)
  • Bachelor of Music Education

Students in Bachelor of Science programs may choose to graduate with the Bachelor of Arts degree if they establish 1002-level foreign language proficiency.