Anita Cline-Cole

Anita Cline-Cole

Associate Vice President of Admissions


Nazareth Hall, N2064
3003 Snelling Ave. N
St Paul, MN 55113



I must have been about 5 years old when I was first introduced to our Savior. My mother was a devout Christian, and she would always take me to her weekly Bible meetings and other church events. Even at a very young age, I was fascinated and curious to know more about Christ. But it was not until my teenage years did, I fully understand what salvation through Christ truly meant. I asked the Lord to be my savior and I have not looked back since.


I see God using me every day; at home, and especially in my work environment. People ask me all the time why I am always so calm, and why nothing seems to bother me. I have been asked several times by my colleagues to pray for a particular situation or give them “godly” advice. I am truly fulfilled when I lead worship every Sunday, and always blessed to be with other believers as we worship the Lord together.


My experiences at UNW reinforced what I already believed and also helped strengthen my faith as a believer. Chapel was always a favorite for me. I appreciated the wonderful worship time and also Dean Paulson’s teaching on the Gospel of Matthew.


Another favorite was our monthly outings with the multicultural and international student groups. I found those moments to be quite enriching. I was most influenced by Charles Kuivinen, the Business Department Chair at the time. I greatly admired his love and passion for quality learning; he made sure his students understood the importance of bringing every business practice under the Lordship of Christ. Professor Kuivinen taught me what it meant to be a great, but most importantly, an ethical leader. I am especially appreciative of the fact that Christian values and attitudes are taught and woven into all curriculum areas.