Cheryl Kelley, Ph.D., Emerita

Cheryl Kelley, Ph.D., Emerita

Professor Emerita of Music: Music Education, Music Theory, Bassoon

Ph.D. Music Education, University of Minnesota
M.M. University of Nebraska
B.M.E. University of Nebraska


Totino Fine Arts Center, F2219
3003 Snelling Ave North
St. Paul, MN 55113



Dr. Cheryl Kelley was President of the Minnesota Society for Music Teacher Education from 2000-2003 and is also served as Vice President. Before coming to University of Northwestern, Kelley taught grades K–8 vocal and general music in Omaha, NE, and St. Paul, MN.

Kelley has performed frequently with the Minnesota Orchestra, Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, VocalEssence, and the Minnesota Opera Orchestra. She has also performed with the Santa Fe Opera Company and the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival. She has recorded with the Minnesota Orchestra, Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, and Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival.