Dana Maeda, M.A.

Dana Maeda, M.A.

Adjunct Instructor: Oboe

M.A. at St. Mary’s University
B.Mus. at St. Olaf College


Totino Fine Arts Center, F2219
3003 Snelling Ave North
St. Paul, MN 55113



Dana Maeda holds a M.A. in Education from St. Mary’s University and a B.M. in Oboe Performance, Vocal Education and Instrumental Education from St. Olaf College. Her primary oboe teachers include Julie Madura and Rhadames Angelucci.

A public/private school educator & studio instructor for more than 30 years, Dana has worked with students from pre-school through retirement age. In addition to her teaching at the University of Northwestern – St. Paul, Dana is an instructor at St. Olaf College where her responsibilities include teaching the oboe studio, woodwind methods, chamber music, directing the Collegium Musicum (Renaissance Wind Ensembles), and supervision of instrumental student teacher candidates.

A 25+ year founding member of the WindWorks Woodwind Quintet and more than 20-year member of the Rochester Symphony Orchestra, Dana has many opportunities to perform in the Twin Cities. Some of these ensembles include: Minneapolis Pops Orchestra, Bach Society of Minnesota, Arius, Minnesota Sinfonia, and Moody Blues.

Her coaching/clinician roles have included: St. Olaf Band Day guest lecturer & soloist, high school master classes on the art of chamber music, judging regional solo/ensemble competitions, and Minnesota All-State Bands & Orchestras.