Dawn Krist, MSLIS, BSN

Dawn Krist, MSLIS, BSN

Assistant Professor & Nursing Learning Center Technology Director

BSN at York College of Pennsylvania

MSLIS at Drexel University


Wilson Center, W3208
2803 Lincoln Drive
Roseville, MN 55113



Professional Experience

Faculty, Nursing Assistant Program, York County Vocational Technical School, York, PA

Diabetes Nurse Educator, York Hospital, York, PA

Evidence Based Practice, North Memorial Health, Robbinsdale, MN

Expertise and Topics of Interest

  • Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research
  • Nursing Skills & Simulation

Courses Taught at UNW in the past 3-5 years

NUR4315 Evidence Based Services

NUR2215 Professional Nursing: Called to Serve

Saline Training


Poster Presentations:

  • Brockway, C., Krist, D., & Theisen, J. (2019, July). To sim or not to sim? A comparative analysis of overall standardized test scores. Poster session presented at the NEC Conference, Vale, CO.
  • Brockway, C., Krist, D., & Theisen, J. (2018, June). Utilization of simulation to educate nursing students on spiritual care. Poster session presented at the Innovations in Faith-Based Nursing Conference, Marion, IN.

Professional Affiliations

  • MnSHEP (Minnesota Simulation for Healthcare Education Partnerships) Member, 2015-present
  • HSLM (Health Sciences Libraries of Minnesota), Member, 2009-present
  • NCF (Nurses Christian Fellowship) Member, 2022-present


Church involvement or community service

Attend Church of the Open Door in Maple Grove

Periodic involvement with Feed my Starving Children and Compassion International

Personal teaching philosophy

God is the father of all knowledge, wisdom, and all that exists, and I believe that which I teach must be built off that foundation.  Students need to engage with what is taught and must be part of the process of learning.  Faculty are responsible to understand and know their field, keeping up-to-date and current, and then walk alongside the students in the learning process.  It is a collaborative process and needs to be holistically presented.

Favorite verse or quote

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thy own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him and He shall direct thy paths.”


Walking, Biking, Traveling, Camping, Volleyball, reading historical fiction, science fiction and mysteries, Crocheting, Crossword Puzzles & other similar word puzzles, Playing strategy and non-strategy games with my family.


I am married and have 4 young adult children, and 3 cats.

Why do you work at Northwestern?

I absolutely love the Christian environment of Northwestern and that our desire is to see students grow to serve others in all arenas of their lives.  We are preparing men and women to be the hands and feet of Christ to a lost and hurting world.  The education experienced by students and taken to heart can have eternal benefits for not just our students but those that they come in contact with.

When your students graduate, what do you hope they take away from your course?

Not everyone loves research and the “laborious” process of doing research.  I love it and it is my desire that everyone that takes my class will walk away with the idea that diving into evidence-based practice literature will help them to become a better nurse that gives the best tailored care to their patients so that their patients can grow holistically in a healthy manner.