Glen Larson, M.M.

Glen Larson, M.M.

Adjunct Instructor: Guitar

M.M. at University of Minnesota
B.S. in Music at University of Northwestern – St. Paul


Nazareth Hall, N3317
3003 Snelling Ave. N
St Paul, MN 55113



Glen Larson has studied guitar with Jeff Van and James McGuire and performed in master classes with John Holmquist, Turbio Santos, Leo Brouwer, and David Perry. As a student he placed first in the Schubert Club’s fretted instrument competition and has performed extensively with a number of groups. Also a composer, Larson has had several compositions performed throughout the Twin Cities area and by the Moody Bible Institue Guitar Ensemble. He recently completed a compact disc recording entitled Glen Larson A Crucible of Hope.