Janelle Theisen, Ph.D., RN, CNE

Janelle Theisen, Ph.D., RN, CNE

Assistant Professor of Nursing

BSN from Bethel University

MAN from Bethel University

Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee


Wilson Center, W3110
2803 Lincoln Drive
Roseville, MN 55113



Dr. Janelle Theisen began working at Northwestern in 2015. Prior to that, she worked as a staff nurse at St. John’s Hospital in Maplewood for eight years. She was also an Assistant Professor, Course Coordinator, and IPE Simulation Developer for the Associate Degree Nursing Program at St. Catherine University. In addition, she has worked with Educating Nurses Across Borders.

Dr. Theisen states, “As an educator, my teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in the Scripture. I believe that every student is a unique creation of God, with potential, purpose, and inherent worth. In my role as an educator, I strive to create a nurturing and intellectually stimulating environment where students are empowered to flourish academically, spiritually, and personally. I am committed to helping students discover and develop their God-given abilities, encouraging them to use these talents to serve others and positively impact the world around them. I aspire to equip students not only with the knowledge and skills needed to be an excellent nurse, but to have a deeper understanding of their identify in Christ.”

Janelle and her husband live in Woodbury, Minnesota with their two sons. Her hobbies include reading (especially mystery with a little bit of romance), traveling, learning new things, spending time at the lake, and watching crime shows.

Published Articles:

  • Theisen, J. L., Snethen, J. A., Gwon, S. H., Ellis, J. L., & Sapp, M. (2021). Facilitators and barriers to patient portal use in the older adult: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Informatics Nursing, 6(3), 23-24.
  • Theisen, J. L., & Sandau, K. E. (2013). Competency of new graduate nurses: A review of their weaknesses and strategies for success. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 44(9), 406-414. Doi: 10.3928/00220124-20130671-38.

Poster Presentations:

  • Theisen, J., Snethen, J., Gwon, J., & Ellis, J. (2022, April). Facilitators and Barriers to Electronic Personal Health Record Use in the Older Adult Population. Poster session presented at MNRS Conference, Schaumburg, IL.
  • Theisen, J. (2020, November). Facilitators and Barriers to Older Adult Patient Portal Use: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Poster session presented at the Eta Nu Chapter Poster Symposium, Milwaukee, WI.
  • Brockway, C., Krist, D., & Theisen, J. (2019, July). To sim or not to sim? A comparative analysis of overall standardized test scores. Poster session presented at the NEC Conference, Vale, CO.
  • Brockway, C., Krist, D., & Theisen, J. (2018, June). Utilization of simulation to educate nursing students on spiritual care. Poster session presented at the Innovations in Faith-Based Nursing Conference, Marion, IN.
  • Presentation
  • Theisen, J., Skoglund, A., & Wolgemuth, V. (2019, April). HIPAA: Considerations for educational purposes. Symposium presentation couded at the Don’t Hide From HIPAA Symposium, St. Paul, MN.


  • Facilitators and Barriers to Electronic Personal Health Record Use in the Older Adult Population


  • 1st place PHD Student Poster Award. Eta Nu Chapter 6th Annual Poster Symposium, November, 2020.