Joseph Ostrem, Ph.D.

Joseph Ostrem, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Biology

Ph.D. University of Minnesota Twin Cities
M.S. University of Minnesota Twin Cities
B.S. Evangel University


Nazareth Hall, 3042
3003 Snelling Ave. N
St Paul, MN 55113

Dr. Joseph Ostrem is passionate about the intricacies of God’s creation, specifically as it relates to human biology. He is a learner who enjoys critical thinking and problem-solving and teaches in a way that fosters these attributes in students.

Ostrem enjoys teaching the integration of anatomy and physiology and researching the impact of exercise and other ancillary factors on human function and performance. He has published peer-reviewed articles on cardiovascular health and assessment, body composition, anaerobic and aerobic fitness.

Joe and his wife, Joni, have four children: Lily, Ruby, Ivy, and Mercy. Some of Joe’s interests include music, thrifting, and playing sports. 

Academic Credentials

Ph.D., Kinesiology – Exercise Physiology, University of Minnesota Twin Cities (2016)

M.S., Kinesiology – Exercise Physiology, University of Minnesota Twin Cities (2013)

B.S., Biology, Evangel University (2009)


Peer-Reviewed Publications
  1. Cole, J. C., Ostrem, J. D. (2020). The effects of a goal setting and counseling intervention on attendance in a cardiac and pulmonary rehab. AACVPR Abstracts. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention,40(5), E39.
  2. Hanson, J., Davies, B., Ostrem, J. D. (2019). Effect of kinesiology taping on upper torso mobility and shoulder pain and disability in US Masters National Championship Swimmers – An Exploratory Study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics,. 42, 247-253.
  3. Ostrem, J. D., Evanoff, N. G., Ryder, J. R., Dengel, D. R. (2018). Intra- and interday reproducibility of high-flow mediated constriction response in young adults. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 38(2), 200-205.
  4. Harbin, M. M., Ostrem, J. D., Evanoff, N. G., Kelly, A. S., Dengel, D. R. (2018). Intra- and inter-day reproducibility of low-flow mediated constriction among young adults. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 38(3), 502-507.
  5. Harbin, M. M., Kasak, A., Ostrem, J. D., Evanoff, N. G., Dengel, D. R. (2018). Validation of a three-dimensional body scanner for body composition measures. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 72(8), 1191-1194.
  6. Ostrem, J. D., Evanoff, N. G., Ryder, J. R., Steinberger, J., Sinaiko, A. R., Bisch, K. L., Brinck, N. M., Dengel, D. R. (2016). High-flow-mediated constriction and flow-mediated dilation in adults is influenced by obesity not biomarkers of cardiovascular and metabolic risk. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 45(1):35-42.
  7. Ostrem, J. D., Evanoff, N., Kelly, A. S., Dengel, D. R. (2015) Presence of a high-flow-mediated constriction phenomenon prior to flow-mediated dilation in normal weight, overweight, and obese children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 43(8), 495-501.
  8. Ostrem, D., Dengel, D. R., Marlatt, K. L., Steinberger, J. Comparison of baseline brachial artery measurements and effect on peak flow-mediated dilation. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 35(1), 34-40.
  9. Gusmer, R. J., Bosch, T. A., Watkins, A. N., Ostrem, J. D., Dengel, D. R. (2014). Comparison of FitBit® Ultra to ActiGraph™ GT1M for assessment of physical activity in young adults during treadmill walking. The Open Sports Medicine Journal, 8, 11-15.
  10. Dengel, D., & Ostrem, J. D. (2021) Body composition and Madden NFL video game ratings-part 1. Madden Overall Scores. Dexalytics.
  11. Dengel, D., & Ostrem, JD. (2021) Body composition and Madden NFL video game ratings-part 2. Madden Individual Scores. Dexalytics.


Poster Presentations
  1. Huberty, L., Halvorson, K., & Ostrem, J. D. Three Good Things. Global Sport Business Association (GSBA). March, 2022.
  2. Nehotte, M. F., Winklemann, P. A., & Ostrem, J. D. From Brain to Brawn: Effects of a 6 Week Training Program Designed by Student Trainers. CSP Research and Scholarship Symposium. April 2020
  3. LaValle, K., Ostrem, J. D. A Matter of Fat? Body Composition in Relation to Vo2max Improvements in Division II Female Athletes. ACSM 2019 Annual Meeting. June 2019
  4. LaValle, K., Nieuwsma, J., Ostrem, J.D. Effectiveness of Preseason Conditioning on Vo2max in College Athletes Assessed via Ift and Gxt. ACSM 2018 Annual Meeting. May 2018
  5. Harbin, M. M., Ostrem, J. D., Evanoff, N. G., Kelly, A. S., Dengel, D. R. Intra- and Inter-day Reproducibility of Low-Flow Mediated Constriction in Adults. Poster Presentation at the Council of Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology | Peripheral Vascular Disease (ATVB | PVD), Minneapolis, MN; Board #28, May 5, 2017; 6:00-7:00 PM.
  6. Harbin, M. M., Evanoff, N.G., Kasak, A., Ostrem, J. D., Dengel, D.R. Validation of a Three-Dimensional Body Scanner for Body Composition Measures. Poster Presentation at ACSM Annual Meeting; May 31st, 2017; Board #149 3:30 PM ‑ 5:00 PM.
  7. Ostrem, J. D., Evanoff, N., Kelly, A. S., Dengel, D. R. High-Flow Mediated Constriction in Children and Adolescents. CCMS Research Day. May 2015
  8. Ostrem, J. D., Dengel, D. R., Kelly, A. S., Steinberger, J. Effect of Discrete Baseline Brachial Artery Measurements on Peak Flow-Mediated Dilation. Kinesiology Research Symposium. April 2013.

Oral Presentations at Conferences

  1. Ostrem, J. D., Huberty, L. In Pursuit of Happiness through Intentionality. CSP Winter Retreat. Giants Ridge, Biwabik, MN. February 22nd, 2020.
  2. Ostrem, J. D., Buns, M., & Huberty, L. Online Learning: Pulse Check! Spring Leadership Institute. St. Cloud, MN. May 17th, 2019.
  3. Ostrem, J. D., Davies, B. L., Huberty, L. Seeking Spirituality in a General Education Course. Conference of Association of Lutheran College Faculties (ALCF conference), St. Paul, MN. September 22nd, 2018.
  4. Ostrem, J. D., Evanoff, N., Ryder, J. R., Steinberger, J., Sinaiko, A. R., Bisch, K. L., Brinck, N. M., Dengel, D. R. High- Flow Mediated Constriction and Flow-Mediated Dilation in Adults is Influenced by Obesity not Biomarkers of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk. Kinesiology Research Symposium. April 2016.
  5. Ostrem, J. D. Presence and Implication of a “Bernoulli Effect” During Flow-Mediated Dilation in Children. NASPEM Conference. August 2014.