Keith Jones, Ph.D.

Keith Jones, Ph.D.

Professor of English

Ph.D. in Renaissance English Literature at Saint Louis University

M.A. in English Literature at Saint Louis University

B.A. in English at Covenant College


Nazareth Hall, N3051
3003 Snelling Ave. N
St Paul, MN 55113



Dr. Keith Jones received his B.A. in English from Covenant College and his M.A. in English Literature and Ph.D. in Renaissance English Literature from Saint Louis University. He served as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the English Department of Wheaton College for five years and has been a valued part of the Department of English & History at University of Northwestern since 2004.

The Joneses have adopted three children from Vietnam. The experiences surrounding their adoptions continue to teach the family about trusting in God. Adopting children from Vietnam has also expanded Keith’s love of Vietnamese culture, literature, and cuisine.

Specialty Areas

  • Shakespeare
  • Shakespeare and Film
  • Renaissance Literature
  • Composition
  • Non-Western Literatures

Select Professional Accomplishments

Recent Publications

  • “‘Why, you are nothing then: Neither Maid, Widow, nor Wife?’: The Ritual of Comedy and the Rite of Marriage in Measure for Measure.” Word and Rite: The Bible and Ceremony in Selected Shakespearean Works. Ed. Beatrice Baston. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. Print. 65-75.
  • The Masterplots: Third Revised Edition essay on 2 Henry VI. Forthcoming.
  • The Masterplots: Christian Literature essays on Dorothy L. Sayers’ Mind of the Maker and Shusaku Endo’s Silence.
  • Rev. of Chinese Shakespeares: Two Centuries of Cultural Exchange, by Alexander C.Y. Huang. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009. Books & Culture. July / August 2013.

Selected Conference Activity

  • “What Happens in Hamlet When Hamlet Goes to Asia.” Shakespeare Association of America, 2012.
  • “Depravity and Election: Redemption According to Calvin and Shakespeare.” The Conference on Christianity and Literature, 2009.
  • “‘Why, you are nothing then: Neither Maid, Widow, nor Wife?’: Motives, Morals, and Marriages in Measure for Measure.” WORD and RITE: The Bible and Ceremony in Selected Shakespeare Plays. The Shakespeare Institute, Wheaton College, 2008.
  • “‘Shine comforts from the east’: The Cultural Collisions Surrounding a Production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Vietnam.” Shakespeare and the World, University of Minnesota Symposium, 2005.

Selected Public Lectures

  • “The Roman Plays of Shakespeare and the Concept of Virtue.” Lecture and Discussion, L’Abri Fellowship International (Rochester, Minnesota), 2013.
  • “Elizabethan England and William Shakespeare.” Guest lecture, Bethlehem College and Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2012.
  • A Dream in Hanoi: Shakespeare in Vietnam.” Lecture and Discussion for the Front Porch Series, Great River Shakespeare Festival, Winona, Minnesota, 2011.
  • “The Words and Worlds of Shakespeare.” Lecture for Heart of the Matter, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2011.
  • “Shakespeare and the Postmodern Era: Finding the Shakespeare in Shakespeare.” Lecture at Providence Christian College, Pasadena, California, 2011.
  • “Global Shakespeare: Playing Shakespeare on the World Stage.” Lecture at the MacLaurin Institute’s Paideia Forum, University of Minnesota (Minneapolis / St. Paul), 2010.
  • “Shakespeare in Africa, Asia, and the Americas: How Universal is Shakespeare?” Lecture at the Guthrie Theater (Minneapolis / St. Paul), 2010.
  • “Shakespeare and the Scriptures: Analysis and Adaptation.” Lecture at L’Abri Fellowship International (Rochester, Minnesota), 2010.
  • “Depravity and Election: Redemption According to Calvin and Shakespeare.” The Conference on Christianity and Literature, 2009.
  • “Shakespearean Calvinism: Depravity, Election, Repentance, and Redemption.” Lecture at L’Abri Fellowship International (Rochester, Minnesota), 2009.
  • “‘Why, you are nothing then: Neither Maid, Widow, nor Wife?’: Motives, Morals, and Marriages in Measure for Measure.” “WORD and RITE: The Bible and Ceremony in Selected Shakespeare Plays.” The Shakespeare Institute, Wheaton College Conference, 2008.
  • “The Directors and the Readers Play a Game of Chess with Hamlet.” Scholarship Symposium, University of Northwestern, 2008.
  • “‘Shine comforts from the east’: The Cultural Collisions Surrounding a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Vietnam.” Shakespeare and the World, University of Minnesota Symposium, 2005.