Kristen Bugos, Ph.D.

Kristen Bugos, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Music & Theatre
Assistant Chair, School of Education
Associate Professor of Music
Coordinator of Music & Visual Arts Education

Ph.D. in Elementary Education at State University of New York
Ed.M. from Indiana Wesleyan University
B.Mus. from Houghton College



Kristen Bugos, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Coordinator of Music & Visual Arts Education, joined UNW in 2018. She holds degrees from Houghton College, Indiana Wesleyan University, and a Ph.D. from State University of New York at Buffalo. Kristen taught elementary general music, beginning bands, and instrumental lessons for six years in rural New York State. She also taught private piano lessons, accompanied high school and community musical productions, all-county and community choruses, and served as a church pianist and worship team leader. Her scholarship includes numerous refereed publications along with state and national presentations. She has additional education in Orff-Schulwerk (Level 1) and Music Learning Theory (Gordon Institute for Music Learning Early Childhood Levels 1 & 2 and Elementary General Music Level 1) and is permanently certified to teach Music K-12 in New York State. Kristen comes to UNW from a similar position at East Texas Baptist University.