Leane Gondek, BSMT, MACE

Leane Gondek, BSMT, MACE

Pre-Nursing Student Success Program Coach

Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy

Master of Arts in Christian Education


Wilson Center, W3103
2803 Lincoln Drive
Roseville, MN 55113



Leane joined the UNW School of Nursing Team in March 2013 as the Coordinator of Clinical Operations.  Her responsibilities included finalizing program requirements, preparing for the first cohort (which began in May 2013) and developing the School of Nursing application process.  Leane worked with the clinical partners, ensuring contracts were in place and their requirements were adhered to.

Leane’s role has evolved over the years and now, as the Pre-Nursing Student Success Program Coach, her focus is working with students prior to admission and their initial steps into the university, ensuring that the necessary resources are in place for each student, to ensure their success.  She is the advisor/coach for all pre-nursing students in their preparation for enrolling in the nursing courses and continues to work with prospective students and their families. Students and parents can schedule a meeting with Leane to start the application process.

Leane holds a Master of Arts in Christian Education, a Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy and a Counseling Certificate. Prior to coming to UNW, she was a licensed Children’s Pastor for a little over fifteen years. During this time, she had the opportunity to provide training at in a number of venues, such as, conferences, The Lake Okoboji Bible and Missionary Conference and on her mission trips to India.

Leane loves working with students and is grateful for the opportunities to watch God working through them, as they deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ.