Mark Baden, Ph.D.

Mark Baden, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, Department of Art and Design

Ph.D., University of Minnesota

M.A., University of Minnesota

B.A., Hamline University


Baden registered for his first course in ceramics at Hamline University in 1972 and determined that the medium of clay was his best fit in the art world. Later in 1973, a January study abroad trip motivated research into the ancient world, providing him with a life-long love for Greek culture and a passion for the field of art history.

Hired to teach one course in ceramics at Northwestern College in 1982, Baden would go on to lead a 32-year career at Northwestern. Over his tenure at UNW, Baden served as Coordinator, Visual Arts Education, Chair, Department of Art & Design and Dean of Faculty.

His interest for student learning brought him back to the classroom for his final years at UNW. As a Professor of Art & Design, Baden taught an array of classes, including favorites such as: Wheel Throwing, Principles of Art, Renaissance Art History and seminar in Sacred Architecture.

His scholarly interest in the original Nazareth Hall historic buildings on the campus of the University of Northwestern and the jewel-like stained glass by Charles J. Connick has led him to take up the art of stained glass in retirement. Six angel windows inspired by the original watercolor sketches by Connick are being created through collaboration with David Cummings and Gaytee-Palmer Stained Class Studio in Northeast, Minneapolis.

Specialty Areas

  • Wheelthrown Ceramics
  • Greek Art History
  • Renaissance Art History
  • Sacred Art and Architecture

Professional Organizations

  • Art Educators of Minnesota, President, 2002-2003
  • Minnesota Museum of American Art, Trustee, 1996-2003
  • Licensed to Lecture in Greece by the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sciences, 1989

Academic Credentials

  • Art Educators of Minnesota
  • Higher Education Teacher of the Year, 1996
  • Northwestern College, Excellence in Teaching Award, 1997