Matthew R. Hyre, Ph.D., P.E.

Matthew R. Hyre, Ph.D., P.E.

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Villanova University
B.S. in Mechanical/Nuclear Engineering from United States Military Academy, West Point


Nazareth Hall, N3113
3003 Snelling Ave. N
St Paul, MN 55113



Matt Hyre is an Associate Professor of Engineering at the University of Northwestern. He holds a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in mechanical engineering with a minor in economics, a M.S from Villanova University in mechanical engineering, and a B.S. from the United Stated Military Academy, West Point in nuclear physics.

Matt has 20 years of engineering industry experience focusing on the use of computational software and hardware in the development of numerical simulations of biomedical and manufacturing processes.  He has served as the Chief Technical Officer of a leading financial firm, developing first-of-a-kind cloud computing platforms for fiduciary services. Matt has received over 1M in industry research support and has been an invited lecturer in dozens of countries from Singapore and Russia to Turkey and Brazil.  He holds over a dozen U.S. patents, has garnered numerous research and teaching awards, and has presented around the world and in a wide range of journals – with over a hundred publications and presentations.

Selected Publications

  • Biosca, A., Borrós, S., Pedret Clemente, V., Hyre, M.R., García Granada, A.-A., “Numerical and experimental study to predict the forming process conditions of non-axisymmetric glass perfume bottles,” International Journal of Advanced ManufacturingVol. 126, pp. 735-748, 2023.
  • Biosca, A., Borrós, S., Pedret Clemente, V., Hyre, M.R., García Granada, A.-A., “Numerical and experimental study of blow and blow for perfume bottles to predict glass thickness and blank mold influence,” International Journal of Applied Glass ScienceVol. 10, No. 4, pp. 569 – 583, 2019.
  • Mcnamara, B., Bott, C. Hyre, M., and Kinnear, D., “Characterisation of Grit to Develop an Integrated Plant Solution,” Proc. Of the Water Environment Fed., 16, pp. 634-649, 2012.
  • Hyre, M.R., Chae, S.A. & Pulliam, R.M, Modelling of Stent Expansion Dynamics and Resultant Arterial Wall and Lesion Stresses in a Stenosed Artery, invited contribution to the International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 226 – 238, 2013.
  • Mcnamara, B., Layne, J. Hyre, M., and Kinnear, D., “Evaluation of Full-scale Grit Removal Process Improvements using Computational Modeling,” Proc. Of the Water Environment Fed., 9, pp. 6008-6030, 2012.
  • Choudhary, M.K, Hyre, M.R., Venuturumilli, R., Mathematical Modeling of Flow and Heat Transfer Phenomena in Glass Melting, Delivery, and Forming Processes, invited contribution to the inaugural issue of International Journal of Applied Glass ScienceVol. 1, No. 2., pp. 188-214, 2010.
  • Hyre, M.R., “The Mathematics of Glass Forming,” in Materials Processing and Design:  Modeling, Simulation, and Applications, American Institute of Physics Press, p. 245, 2053, 2004.
  • Hyre, M.R., “Effect of Glass to Mold Heat Transfer on Glass Container Forming,” in Advances in Fusion and Processing of Glass, Varner, J.R., Seward, T.P., and Schaeffer, H.A., eds., ACS press, pp. 271-281, 2004.
  • Hyre, M.R., and L.R. Glicksman, “Axial and Lateral Solids Distribution Modeling in the Upper Region of Circulating Fluidized Beds,” Powder. Technol., 110, pp. 98-109, 2002.
  • Noymer, P.D., M.R. Hyre, and L.R. Glicksman, “The Effect of Bed Diameter on Near-Wall Hydrodynamics in Scale Model Circulating Fluidized Beds,” Int. J. Heat Mass Trans., 43, pp. 3641-3649, 2000.
  • Hyre, M.R., and C.H. Marston, 1995, “Gas Turbine Bottoming Cycles – Triple Pressure Steam vs. Kalina,” with C.H. Marston, ASME Journal for Gas Turbines and Power117, pp. 10-15.
  • Hyre, M.R., Pulliam, R.M., and Squire, J.C., Modeling Stent Expansion Dynamics and Blood Flow Patterns in a Stenotic Artery, International Journal of Design and Nature, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1-14, 2010.

Selected Invited Presentations/Lectures

  • Hyre, M.R., “Container forming modeling: Sensitivity to boundary conditions, material properties, and underlying physics modelling,” invited presentation at the Symposium on Glass Forming Simulation, Barcelona, Spain, May 2017. 
  • Hyre, M.R.
    • Stent Expansion Dynamics in Stenotic Arteries
    • Simulation of Wastewater Treatment in Multiphase Liquid/Solids Flow
    • Numerical Modeling of the Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer in Circulating Fluidized Beds
    • Computational Resource Management in Large Scale Numerical Simulations
      Series of lectures given at Karunya University, Karunya, India, 2016.
  • Hyre, M.R., “Current Status of Computational Modeling of Glass Forming Operations,” invited presentation a the 2017 ICG Annual Meeting & Şişecam Glass Symposium, October 2017, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Hyre, M.R., and Olson, A., “Recent Advances in Glass Forming Heat Transfer,” presented at the 9th International Meeting of the Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies, Cairns, Australia, July, 2011.
  • Hyre, M.R., Computational Prediction of Thrombus Formation in Stented Arteries, invited contribution and member of the International Advisory Committee to the 2009 Conference on Modeling in Medicine and Biology, Crete, 2009.
  • Hyre, M.R. and Chea, S.A., “Computational Modeling of Stent Expansion and Blood Flow Dynamics in a Complex Plaque/Artery System,” presented at the International Conference on Modelling in Medicine and Biology, Riga, Latvia, 2011. 
  • Hyre, M.R., “Recent Activities in the Computational Modeling of Glass Defects,” invited contribution and to the European Forum on New Glass Applications, Montpellier, France, May, 2009.
  • Hyre, M.R., Seminar on Computational Modeling in Manufacturing, sponsored by the International Partners for Glass Research and manufacturing industry executives.  Seminars delivered in Munich, Dusseldorf, Singapore, Moscow, Tampa, Cairo, and Paris. (2004-2006).
  • Hyre, M.R., “Radiation Modeling in Glass Forming Simulations,” invited lecture to University of Eindhoven and TNO, Eindhoven, Holland, November, 2008.   
  •  Hyre, M.R., “Visualization of Large Deformations in Industrial and Biomedical Processes,” keynote lecture at Computational Engineering International Visualization, Baltimore, MD, September, 2008.
  • Hyre, M.R., “Numerical Methods for the Prediction of Defects in Glass Forming,” invited contribution to the 2007 Chemical and Materials Processing Session of the ANSYS Regional Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May 2007.
  • Hyre, M.R., “Adaptive Remeshing and Mesh Superposition Techniques in Glass Gob Forming,” 2003, invited contribution to the electronic journal, Polyflow, March, 2003.
  • Hyre, M.R., and Harrison, A.L, “Influence de la Conception et du Fonctionnement du Distributeur sur la Forme de la Paraison,” invited contribution to Verre, Vol. 9 , No. 2, pp. 20-24, 2003.
  • Hyre, M.R., “Process Simulations for Control of Glass Forming Operations,” Invited Talk, January Systems Identification and Control Conference, Moscow, Russia, 2003.

Selected Awards

  • 2017 University of Northwestern Excellence in Scholarship Award
  • 2016 Honorary Scholarly Seminar titled “Quantum Physics and Early Church Theology,” Roseville, MN.
  • 2008 – 2010 Holder of the VMI Charles S. Luck, Jr., ’20 Endowed Institute Professorship in Engineering.
  • 2006 VMI Mechanical Engineering Foundation Award awarded by mechanical engineering cadets for professor who best laid the foundation for their engineering careers.
  • 2005 State of Virginia “Rising Star” recipient which recognizes excellence in teaching, research and service among the faculties of Virginia’s public and private colleges and universities.
  • 2005 ANSYS CFD User of the Year Award, awarded by a panel of CFD experts for “the best of the many applied CFD studies and papers.”
  • 2004, 2005 VMI Faculty Mentor Award “for outstanding mentorship to the Corps of Cadets.” 
  • 2004 Matthew Fontaine Maury Research Award “for excellence in stimulating, encouraging, and conducting research.”
  • 2003, 2006 Hinman Research Award “for outstanding achievement in research supervision of undergraduates.”

Professional Activity & Societies

  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • American Society for Engineering Education
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • American Ceramic Society
  • Society for Biological Engineering
  • Phi Kappa Phi, Honor Society, USMA Chapter
  • Sigma Xi, Research Honor Society, MIT Chapter
  • Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society, Virginia Delta Chapter
  • Omicron Delta Kappa, Honor Society, VMI Chapter
  • Professional Engineer, State of Virginia, since 2004

Selected Patents

  • K.L. Bratton, F. A. Fenton, M. R. Hyre, P. Stargardter, J. S. Simon, S. A. Austin, S. J. Pinkerton, Vertical IS Machine, U.S. Patent 9212078B2, 2015.
  • S.J. Brown, T, A. Ringuette, K. L. Bratton, S. J. Pinkerton, M. R. Hyre, Post-manufacture glass container thermal strengthening method, U.S. Patent 8839644B2, 2014.
  • M.R. Hyre and F. A. Fenton, Glass container forming machine and method, U.S. Patent 8,141,385, 2012.
  • M.R. Hyre, F.A. Fenton, Glass Container Forming Machine, Blow Side Internal Cooling, US Patent 7487650B2, 2009.
  • M.R. Hyre, F.A. Fenton, Glass Container Forming Machine, Blow Side Internal Cooling, US Patent 7487650B2, 2009.
  • M.R. Hyre, F.A. Fenton, Glass Container Forming Machine, Takeout Cooling, US Patent 6776009B2, 2007.
  • F.A. Fenton, M.R. Hyre, Glass Container Forming Machine, Takeout Tube Velocity Control Mechanism, US Patent 6823696B2, 2006.
  • M.R. Hyre, F.A. Fenton, Glass Container Forming Machine, Moveable Blow Tube, US Patent 6776010B2, 2004.
  • M. R. Hyre, F.A., Fenton, Glass Container Forming Machine, Blow Tube Velocity Control Mechanism, US Patent 6776009, 2004.
  • M.R. Hyre, F.A. Fenton, Oscillating Takeout Cooling Tube, US Patent 6776665B2, 2004.
  • M.R. Hyre, F.A. Fenton, Glass Container Forming Machine, Annular Cooling Takeout Cooling Tube, US Patent 6776665B2, 2004.
  • B. Dupree, J.S. Squire, M. R. Hyre, Illuminative fishing lure with hook/weed guard circuit switch, US Patent 6796077B1, 2004.

Classes Taught

  • Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Computer Simulation and Analysis
  • Thermodynamics
  • Introduction to Engineering
  • Numerical Methods
  • Senior Design II