Nick Frese

Nick Frese

Admissions Counselor

B.A. in Politics History and Economics, minors in Music and Spanish, University of Northwestern – St. Paul


Nazareth Hall, N2118
3003 Snelling Ave. N
St Paul, MN 55113

Minnesota territory: Central and Southern Minnesota

Nick graduated from the University of Northwestern in May 2024 and returned in the Fall to become an admissions counselor. He started as a PSEO student and after completing two years of on-campus PSEO, he knew that God was calling him to stay at Northwestern and complete his degree. During his time at Northwestern, he participated in many extracurricular activities including choir, theatre, clubs, and intramural sports and also served for two years as a Senator on Student Government. He benefited greatly from the community on campus and the opportunity to make lifelong friends and be challenged to grow through Bible studies, events, and just living life together.

When not working, Nick enjoys staying busy and taking every opportunity to do things he loves as well as try new experiences. He enjoys spending time with family and friends, singing, playing one of his guitars, composing music, doing anything outdoors, and traveling with his wife Claire. Some of his favorite places he has visited  include England, Ireland, North Carolina, Washington D.C. (where he lived and interned for a semester), and State and National Parks across the US. One of the items on his bucket list is to travel to all 50 states. He will take every opportunity to jump on a plane and go somewhere new.


Nick also loves his role as the Music Team Leader at Grace Covenant PCA where he gets the opportunity to take part in leading worship most Sunday mornings.

Nick thoroughly enjoyed his time as a student at Northwestern and is excited to help students discover where God is leading them and help them on their journey toward a transformative education!