Randall O'Brien, D.Min.

Randall O’Brien, D.Min.

Adjunct Instructor


Nazareth Hall, N4125
3003 Snelling Ave. N
St Paul, MN 55113



Randall O’Brien keeps one foot in the Church and the other in the University of Northwestern. He is uniquely called and gifted to develop leaders within diverse organizations and settings. He has been a pastor for 25 years and has experienced both seasons of blessing where people and ministries flourished effortlessly under his leadership and seasons of agony and defeat. He understands how people advance and grow the Kingdom through good and bad times. In the classroom, O’Brien instills a discipline of curiosity where he challenges adult learners to discover resources and explore solutions.

Specialty Area(s)

  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Church Leadership

Academic Credentials

D.Min. from Denver Seminary
M.Div. from Denver Seminary