Robin Bell, Ed.D.

Robin Bell, Ed.D.

Associate Professor of Christian Ministries

Ed. D. from Hamline University, University of Minnesota

M.Ed. in Youth Development Leadership & Youth Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary
Th.M. in Systematic Theology with an Urban Ministries Minor at California State University
B.A., Communications, Philosophy Minor



Prior to his current position, Robin served for fourteen years in urban multicultural settings in Milwaukee, Wis. and Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota as Vice President of Twin Cities Urban Reconciliation Network (TURN), the senior, associate, and assistant pastor at three multicultural congregations, as well as serving my community in North Minneapolis and St. Paul working with youth workers and young people.

His current vocational interest is to improve pre-service teacher education programs in order to prepare pre-service teachers and youth educators to successfully teach in increasingly diverse and multicultural contexts of learning.

Robin’s current research is divided between areas of rethinking youth ministry: how do we work with youth in their everyday life and how do we create and design significant learning experiences with students

In his time away from school, Robin enjoys traveling with his family, riding his bike, and serving his community in North Minneapolis. He became a widower after nearly 30 years of marriage. He is blessed with two sons, two daughters, and four grandchildren who are making a difference in this world.