Ruth Fries, Ed.D.

Ruth Fries, Ed.D.

Director of Academic & Leadership Development

Ed.D. from Liberty University

MAED from University of Northwestern – St. Paul

B.S. in Mathematics Education at University of Northwestern – St. Paul



Ruth Fries serves UNW in the Academic Achievement Department. There she works with a wonderful team who serve all UNW students by equipping them for academic success and lifelong learning through quality resources, services, and training. She has been at UNW since 2015.


Prior to coming to UNW she taught Middle and High School Math where her favorite subjects were Algebra and Geometry. Cooperative Learning with Patient Problem Solving has been the focus of her classroom work and research. She enjoys interacting, teaching, and learning from and with students of all ages!


Outside of UNW, Ruth enjoys spending time with her family and friends, camping, hiking, playing games, water sports, and other outdoor activities. Sunshine, water, laughter, and coffee all make her happy.