Sadie Gould

Sadie Gould

Academy of Music
Faculty Instructor: Violin

Sadie is a violinist who graduated from Covenant College in Lookout Mt, GA with a bachelors in biology and a music minor. She has been playing since age 7 when her mom saw an ad for free violin lessons. Besides taking years of private lessons under the teaching of Josh Holritz, associate concertmaster of the Chattanooga Symphony and Opera, she has participated in several youth orchestras, a string quartet, various special performances, jazz ensemble, and church worship. From a young age she has desired to share this love of music with others. She also plays the piano, guitar, tin whistle, and ukulele. When not doing music Sadie loves to explore the outdoors, check out fun coffee shops, experiment with different art projects, and spend lots of time with friends and family.