Susan Johnson, Ph.D.

Susan Johnson, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Professional Studies
Professor of Elementary Education

Ph.D., University of Minnesota
M.A., University of Minnesota
B.A., Bethel College (MN)


Nazareth Hall, N3124
3003 Snelling Ave. N
St Paul, MN 55113



Dr. Susan Johnson serves as the Dean of the College of Professional Studies and teaches within the elementary education program. She has more than 35 years of experience working in the fields of mathematics education and teacher education. Prior to her role as dean, she provided leadership for Northwestern’s School of Education from 1994-2017 and for the Elementary Education program from 1987-1994. She has also taught at the elementary level in a variety of public and private settings, including teaching at the International School of Islamabad, Pakistan.

Her professional involvements at University of Northwestern have included teaching courses in mathematics education, supervising student teachers, developing new teacher education curricula and providing leadership in teacher education assessment and accreditation, as well as, the implementation of the Education Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA).

Johnson has made refereed presentations in the fields of mathematics education and teacher education at both the state and national levels. Her professional leadership positions have included vice-president for mathematics education with the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) and private college representative to the executive committee of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE). She currently serves as a private college representative on the Minnesota Peer Review Panel for the Minnesota Professional Education and Standards Board.

She received the University of Northwestern’s Faculty Award for Outstanding Service in 2006 in recognition of her service within the institution, the wider teacher community, and the local community.

Specialty Areas

  • Elementary Mathematics
  • Preparation of Elementary Mathematics Teachers
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Teacher Education Assessment and Accreditation