Timothy Senapatiratne, Ph.D., did his doctoral dissertation on the book of Ecclesiastes and some of the Ancient Near Eastern sources that the book uses. His master’s degree in Christian Thought focused on the integration of theology and philosophy and his undergraduate degree was in Biblical Languages. With a passion for the Old Testament, Senepatitratne’s academic focus for students is to have the Old Testament come alive for all Christians. He puts a strong emphasis on listening to his students in the classroom and is a firm believer that one cannot teach if he cannot first listen.
Specialty Area
- Old Testament
Academic Credentials
Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible, Marquette University (Wisconsin)
MATS, Bethel Seminary
Professional Accomplishments
- “Beneath the Surface: Reclaiming the Old Testament for Today’s Christian.” Book Review. By Barry L. Callen. Lexington, KY: Emeth Press, 2012. Religious Studies Review (2013) 39, no. 2: 80-80.
- “Reference Ethics: Theological Librarianship in Conversation with ALA Reference Ethics Guidelines”. Journal of Religious & Theological Information. (2013) 12, no. 1-2: 2-12.
- “The Assemblies of God: A Bibliographic Essay.” Theological Librarianship 4.1 (June 2011): 54-58.
- “The ”˜Pentecostalization’ of the World”: Race, Theology and the Classical Tradition.” Written with David Mowers. Princeton Theological Review 15 (2009).
- Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Tremper Longman and Mark Strauss editors. Baker Books, 2013. 140 articles.
- Review of Alan P. Ross’s “Recalling the Hope of Glory: Biblical Worship from the Garden to the New Creation” for The Toronto Journal of Theology 24 (2008): 114-5.
- Review of T. A. Perry’s “God’s Twilight Zone: Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible” for Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 8 (2008).
- Editing and Fact Checking for “A Daily Dose of Bible Knowledge”. West Side Publishing, 2008.
- Review of Wayne Grudem and Vern Poythress’s “The TNIV and the Gender Neutral Bible Controversy” for The Journal of Theological and Religious Information 7 (2005): 116-8.