Torrie Gaffney, M.S. Ed.

Torrie Gaffney, M.S. Ed.

Adjunct Faculty Member

B.A. Secondary English Education and Secondary Spanish Education, University of Wisconsin-Superior

M.S. Ed. Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Superior


Mrs. Torrie Gaffney teaches Methods and Materials for Spanish Education at the University of Northwestern- St. Paul. Additionally, Torrie is the K-12 Spanish teacher at Luck Public Schools in Luck, WI. She attended the University of Wisconsin- Superior for both her undergraduate (EA- A in English Education and EA- MS and EA-A in Spanish Education) and her Master’s Degree (MSEd in Educational Instruction). Her master’s degree focused on storytelling methods and their use in the high school classroom. She enjoys teaching through immersion techniques that focus on proficiency, and believes that any person at any age can learn a second language. While not engaged in teaching or learning, Torrie enjoys spending time with her husband, David, hiking, singing, writing, and traveling.

Professional Accomplishments/Associations:

Presented “The Effects of Storytelling on Comprehension” virtually at the Prioritizing Excellence Conference in July 2021