W. Edward Glenny, Ph.D., Th.D.

W. Edward Glenny, Ph.D., Th.D.

Professor of New Testament Studies and Greek
J. Edwin Hartill Endowed Professor (2011-15)

Ph.D. from University of Minnesota
Th.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary
Th.M., M.Div. from Central Baptist Theological Seminary
M.A. from University of Minnesota
B.A. from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College


Nazareth Hall, N3034
3003 Snelling Ave. N
St Paul, MN 55113



Professional Accomplishments



Essays, Journal Articles, and Book Reviews

  • “Textual History of the Minor Prophets: Hebrew Manuscripts and Versions.” Pages 41–56 in The Oxford Handbook on the Minor Prophets. Ed. By Julia M. O’Brien. Oxford: University Press, 2021.
  • “The Septuagint and Theology,” in Handbook of Septuagint Research, eds W. Edward Glenny and William A. Ross. T&T Clark: London, 2021.
  • “Translation Technique and Textual Variants in LXX Micah 1:10-16.” Pages 420–435 in Die Septuaginta: Themen, Manuscripte, Wirkungen. 7 Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 19.–22. Juli 2018. Edited by Eberhard Bons, et al. WUNT 444. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020.
  • “The Book of Amos” in T & T Clark Companion to Second Temple Judaism (2 vols.), eds. Daniel M. Gurtner and Loren T. Stuckenbruck. London: T & T Clark, 2019.
  • Review of Semitisms in Luke’s Greek in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 62 (2019): 402–5.
  • Review of Traductor Scriptor: The Old Greek Translation of Exodus 1–14 as Scribal Activity in Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 51 (2018): 225–28.
  • “Messianism in Septuagint Amos?” in Envisioning God in the Humanities: Essays on Christianity, Judaism, and Ancient Religion in Honor of Melissa Harl Sellew, ed. Courtney J. P. Friesen. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2018.
  • Review of Discovering the Septuagint: A Guided Reader in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 60.2 (2017): 401–2.
  • “Overview Article on the Minor Prophets in the Septuagint” in The History of the Bible. Edited by Armin Lange and Emanuel Tov; Leiden: Brill, 2017.
  • Review of The Bible in Greek: Translation, Transmission, and Theology of the Septuagint in Review of Biblical Literature, 2016.
  • “The Minor Prophets in the Septuagint” in Textual History of the Bible, ed. Armin Lange et al. Leiden: Brill, 2016.
  • “The Septuagint and Biblical Theology” in Themelios 41.2 (2016): 263–78.
  • “Translation Technique in the Minor Prophets,” pp. 375–88 in XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies: Munich, 2013, eds. Wolfgang Kraus, Michaël N. van der Meer, and Martin Meiser. Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016.
  • “The Doctrine of the Future in Paul” in Eschatology: Biblical,Historical, and Practical Approaches, eds, D. Jeffrey Bingham and Glenn R. Kreider; Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2016.
  • The Minor Prophets in the Septuagint” in Textual History of the Bible Online, eds. Armin Lange et al. Leiden: Brill, 2015.
  • Review of Translation is Required: The Septuagint in Retrospect and Prospect in The Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies.
  • “Ephraim Dwelt in Egypt: Egypt and Assyria in the Septuagint of Hosea” in XIV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Helsinki, 2010. Edited by Melvin K. H. Peters; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013.
  • Review of The Doctrine of Salvation in the First Letter of Peter in The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 55:4 (2012): 873-6.
  • Review of The Greek of the Septuagint: A Supplemental Lexicon in Religious Studies Review in Religious Studies Review.
  • Review of The Greek of the Septuagint: A Supplemental Lexicon in Hebrew Studies LIII (2012): 394-6.
  • Review of Lexical Dependence and Intertextual Allusion in the Septuagint of the Twelve Prophets: Studies in Hosea, Amos, and Micah, in The Journal of Hebrew Scripture 12 (2012).
  • Review of The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition in The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 55.1 (March 2012): 172-5.
  • “The Septuagint and Apostolic Hermeneutics: Amos 9 in Acts 15.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 22.1 (2012) 1–“26.
  • Review of “Yhwh Elohim: A Survey of Occurrences in the Leningrad Codex and Their Corresponding Septuagintal Renderings,” in The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 73 (2011): 831-2.
  • Dissertation Summary: Translation Technique and Theology in the Septuagint of Amos.” Tyndale Bulletin 61.1 (March 2010).
  • Review of Septuagint and Reception: Essays Prepared for the Association of the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa,” in The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 72 (2010): 852-3.


  • “Septuagint Translation of the Old Testament Compared to the New Testament Use of the Old Testament.” Northwestern Scholarship Symposium, May 5, 2023.
  • “The Septuagint and Theology.” IOSCS Section. SBL Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, November 24, 2019.
  • “Response to Darian Lockett’s ‘Letters from the Pillar Apostles: The Formation of the Catholic Epistles as a Canonical Collection.’” General Epistles Section. Annual ETS Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 21, 2019.
  • “The Intention of the Translator and Theology in the Septuagint.” Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, Aberdeen Scotland, August 6, 2019.
  • “The Apocrypha and the Christian Church.” University of Northwestern ­ St. Paul. Keynote Session at the Faculty Scholarship Symposium, May 10, 2019.
  • “Writing a Commentary on 1 Peter.” Letters of James, Peter, and Jude Section. SBL Annual Meeting, Denver CO, November 17, 2018.
  • “1 Peter 2:13-17 and the Date of 1 Peter.” Catholic Epistles Section. International SBL Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, August 1, 2018.
  • “Stylistic Features in LXX Amos.” Septuagint Studies Section. International SBL Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, August 1, 2018.
  • “Translation Technique and Textual Variants in LXX Micah 1:10–16.” Seventh International Conference for Septuagint Studies, Wuppertal, Germany, July 19–22, 2018.
  • “Response to Darian Lockett’s ‘Letters from the Pillar Apostles: The Formation of the Catholic Epistles as a Canonical Collection.’” Catholic Epistles Section. International SBL Meeting, Berlin, Germany, August 8, 2017.
  • “Response to Rob Wall’s ‘On the Neglect of 2 Peter.’” General Epistles Section. Annual ETS Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 17, 2016.
  • “Messianism in Septuagint Amos?” St. Andrews Symposium for Biblical and Early Christian Studies. St. Andrews, Scotland, June 6-8, 2016.
  • “Exegesis and Hermeneutics at the Jerusalem Council.” Invited Plenary Address at the Southwest Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. Dallas, TX, April 2, 2016.
  • “The Septuagint: The Bible of the Early Church.” A three-lecture series for the Spring Colloquium at Shepherds Theological Seminary. Cary, NC, March 7, 2016.
  • “The Septuagint and Biblical Theology.” Septuagint Consultation. Annual ETS Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 18, 2015.
  • “The Search for a Controlling Metaphor in 1 Peter.” General Epistles Section. Annual ETS Meeting. Atlanta, GA, November 17, 2015.
  • “Reading the Catholic Epistles as a Collection.” Muted Voices Conference. University of Durham, April 16-17, 2015.
  • “Davidic Fulfillment in 1 Peter.” Biblical Theology Program Unit. Annual ETS Meeting November 19-21, 2014.
  • “The Word of God in 1 Peter.” Invited paper for the General Epistles Consultation, Annual Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), Baltimore, Maryland, November, 19-21, 2013.
  • “The Gospel: The Definitive Word from God in 1 Peter.” Invited paper for the General Epistles Section, Annual ETS, 2013.
  • “Davidic Covenant Fulfillment in 1 Peter.” Pastoral and Catholic Epistles Program Unit. International Society of Biblical Literature (SBL). St. Andrews, Scotland, July 7-11, 2013.
  • “Translation Technique in the Septuagint of Micah.” Septuagint Studies Program Unit. International SBL. St. Andrews, Scotland, July 7-11, 2013.
  • “Translation Technique in the Minor Prophets.” International Congress of the IOSCS. Munich, Germany, August 1-3, 2013.
  • “The Relationship of the Two Amos Quotations in Acts.” Annual ETS, 2012.
  • “Translation Technique in the Septuagint of Micah 1:10-16.” International SBL (Prophets Section) Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2012.
  • “The Order of the Twelve in the Septuagint.” Upper Midwest SBL, Spring 2012.
  • “Flesh, Spirit, and Theology in 1 Peter.” Annual ETS, 2011.
  • “Translation Technique in the Septuagint of Micah.” Annual SBL (Septuagint Section), 2011.
  • “The Structure of 1 Peter.” Midwest ETS, 2011.
  • “‘Knowledge’ in LXX Hosea.” Annual SBL (Greek Bible Section), 2010.
  • “The Authentication of Gentiles as the People of God.” Annual ETS, 2010.
  • “Proverbs: Wisdom for Leading.” Leadership Forum, Northwestern College, 2010.
  • “An Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls” Private lecture at the Minnesota Science Museum for KTIS and Counsel Financial, 2010.
  • “Ephraim Dwelt in Egypt: Egypt and Assyria in the Septuagint of Hosea.” International Congress of the IOSCS, Helsinki, Finland, July 2010.
  • “Samaria in Septuagint Amos.” International SBL (Samaritan Study Group) Tartu, Estonia, July 2010.
  • “The Septuagint and Apostolic Hermeneutics: Amos 9 in Acts 15.” Invited Speaker for the Bethel University Biblical Studies Colloquium, April, 2010.
  • “Egypt and Assyria in LXX-Hosea.” Upper Midwest SBL, Spring 2010.

Additional Works

  • If you would like details on presentations and publications by Dr. Glenny prior to 2010, please contact him for a full list.