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3 Free Resources for Learning Basic Design for Digital Advertising

Friday, January 25, 2019


Most successful companies have an online platform, even if it is minimal and not updated regularly. Millennials have changed the way businesses advertise because everyone is glued to their smart phones now. Print materials are still used to a degree, but most advertisements are now in digital form. If you are looking to keep up with this evolving trend, here are 3 resources to learn basic design or digital advertising.

1. Beginning Graphic Design Tutorial

This is a great resource for a beginner and it is free. If you know nothing about color theory, serif fonts, fundamentals of design, drawing clients in with graphics, or using margins and content on the web, this video tutorial is for you. You will learn about typography, color, layout, etc. More information can be found here: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/beginning-graphic-design/

2. Introduction to Graphic Design on Canva

Canva is a free, online graphic design platform that makes creating beautiful images a breeze. Design effective social media posts, blog graphics, presentations, posters, flyers, and more. This course will teach you graphic design principles (fonts, colors, images, backgrounds, and layouts) and how to apply them to your own Canva designs. This is a free course that consists of 4 modules. It is self-paced and you can enroll at any time. More information can be found here: www.openlearning.com/canva/courses/IntroToGraphicDesign.

3. Learn Digital Advertising from Lynda.com

You can learn digital advertising on Lynda.com. Most public libraries offer free access to Lynda with hundreds of topics available online. This course will teach you the skills necessary to land a job in advertising. You will learn how to create ad campaigns that integrate traditional techniques and digital platforms like AdWords, Facebook, and Twitter. You will also learn to write ad copy, start a direct mail campaign, and understand how to work with advertising partners and ad agencies. More information can be found here: www.lynda.com/search?q=advertising.

These free courses will help you plan your digital advertising campaigns so you can make positive impressions on potential clients and increase profits. Even if you don’t work in the graphic design field, this knowledge of design principles would help your resume stand out among other potential candidates.