Blog Academics, College Preparation

9 Bible Study Software Programs for College Students

Friday, January 11, 2019


If you are thinking about getting a degree in a theology or ministry program, you may want to use a quality Bible software program to aid you in your studies. There are several options available, each with unique features. Every person has different needs when studying God’s word. Some just want to enjoy the Bible for daily devotionals. Others need to highlight or cross-reference sources for research papers or to teach about a particular parable. You may also want to prepare for a sermon in your church.

This list includes programs that are free and also some that come with a price tag. Several programs are available across multiple platforms for Windows, Macintosh, or for smart phones and tablets. Other programs are only available as an app for your phone or tablet.

1. Accordance

Accordance was built for the pastor, professor, student, or for general Bible study. You can build your library by choosing from the best commentaries, study aids, and preaching manuals available. Go straight to the sources: explore Biblical Greek and Hebrew, Dead Sea Scrolls, church fathers, and more. Accordance offers research-grade texts and scholarly tools. Find out more at: www.accordancebible.com.

2. Crosswire

Crosswire is a group of free open-source Bible software projects, the largest of which is The SWORD Project. Crosswire Bible Society is also a resource pool to other Bible societies and Christian organizations that can’t afford—or don’t feel it’s their place—to maintain a quality programming staff in house. The SWORD Project can be found here: www.crosswire.org/sword.

3. E-Sword

E-Sword is the original free Bible software program. It is a free software engine and most of the modules are free as well. It has been around since the year 2000, and in 2016 it was updated with version 11.0 with new features including new HTML-based resources, a new version module type, and a new Periscope feature which places section headings throughout the Bible. Find out more here: www.e-sword.net.

4. Logos

This is an advanced Bible software system. The resources are expansive and are synced across computer platforms. However, unless you are using the basic version, you will need to pay for this service. There is also 24-hour technical support for free. More information can be found here: https://www.logos.com/.

5. OliveTree

OliveTree is a great Bible program. The software engine is free with a growing list of resources. The mobile app performs better than other programs. Each of the features work on a smartphone or tablet. More information can be found here: www.olivetree.com.

6. The BibleAnalyzer

The BibleAnalyzer is a Bible software program that resembles e-Sword. It also features video tutorials for those less computer savvy. It is free and works on all computer devices. More information can be found here www.bibleanalyzer.com.

7. TheWord

TheWord software engine is free and features a variety of modules. TheWord is also easy to transfer on a flash drive so you can keep all your information in your pocket. More information can be found here: www.theword.net.

8. WordSearchBible

WordSearchBible provides many free modules. It is available on desktop, the web, and as an app. They also feature blogs with a free resource post on Fridays. More information can be found here: www.wordsearchbible.com.

9. YouVersion

This program is only an app, but it is free. It features Bibles in 500+ languages, videos, and daily devotionals. More information can be found here: www.bible.com.

Depending on your situation, different software applications will be more ideal for you. Try different versions out and see what works best for your needs. Ultimately, God’s word was written to be read and shared by all so everyone can know God and have a relationship with Him.