Blog Athletics

Compete With Purpose: A Vision of Athletics 

By Northwestern on Friday, June 14, 2024


With over sixteen different sports teams at University of Northwestern – St. Paul, they have one unified mission that extends outside the gym, court, and fields: competing with purpose. 

Our coaches work hard to implement Christ-like attitudes within their sport, and our opposing teams can tell. 

Volleyball coach, Beth Wilmeth, shares that prayer partners are a powerful way to encourage and uplift teammates. They pray often together, and before games, they always meet with their partner to pray before they face their opponents. Wilmeth shares that a coach on the team they were facing asked what our UNW volleyball team was doing as they were dispersed throughout the court in pairs praying.

“Our ultimate purpose as a program is so much bigger than the scoreboard. Praying in partners before the match is a reminder for our players to invite God into every aspect of our lives and to live out our faith for His glory.” 

Beth Wilmeth

At UNW, we play for a greater purpose than to satisfy our wants. Whether you are on the volleyball, track, or football team, the unified goal is to bring glory to Christ. In Philippians 3:14, it says “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called  heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Our athletic staff works hard to train their team for success on the field and off of it by making sure they know that they play to bring glory to God; there is more to life than winning the game.  

Athletic teams also partner with organizations through community outreach and mission trips to make a difference off the field. This provides a deeper bond within the teams, which is valuable for their relationships as well as their ability to play their sport together well.  

During the week, there are athletic chapels that are held in the sports center for all athletes to come together and listen to a biblical lesson as a community of Christian sports players. This is a unique opportunity for the bonding to go past individual sports, and for it to expand to all sixteen of the athletic teams. Strengthening the community within athletics is vital to the vision and mission of competing with purpose.  

Looking to follow along with our athletic teams? Look them up on their website, and we hope to see you at a game in the 2024-2025 season!