Blog Alumni, Community

This is My Story. Will You Share Yours?

Monday, November 5, 2018


This year my class of 350 students from Bemidji High School celebrated our 20th year reunion. It is hard to believe that it has been twenty years since I felt God’s leading to say goodbye to my family and drive 200 miles south to a small college in St. Paul, Minnesota. I remember my excitement, my fears, and my nervousness as I thought about my classes, my schedule and my professors. I hoped I would find great friends, I wouldn’t get lost, I would make the basketball team, and I would get along with my roommates. Little did I know that God had an amazing journey for me that started the moment I walked on campus that warm August day and it is still playing out today!

Northwestern was not just a college, it became home. A home where God touched my heart like He never had before. He used my classes to teach me more about Himself, my time playing basketball to teach me more about myself, and my time traveling around the world to teach me more about His heart for the world. I left Northwestern with not only a passion and excitement to serve Him wherever He would take me, but with treasured friends that still speak into my life today. I can honestly say I am overwhelmed, for He has blessed me with the gift of my wonderful husband Jake (’02), the opportunity to serve in ministries where we could travel His world, teach His Word, and where we could watch first hand God change lives. He brought me to motherhood, where I have the privilege of raising 3 amazing boys (Andrew, Matthew & Timothy), and now, He has brought me back to an opportunity to return” home” where it all began.

It is my privilege to join Scott Anderson and the Alumni Relations Team here at Northwestern. We have over 30,000 alumni and my main job is to connect with you. I want to get to know you and hear Your Story of what God is doing in and through you. I also want to be an encouragement to you. Life isn’t easy and we are faced with trials that bring us to our knees. It would be an honor to go before the Lord with and for you.

Are you still around the Twin Cities? Let’s grab coffee, or if you are in the area, stop by campus- we would love to show you all the changes that have been happening. If you are out traveling the world or made your home somewhere warmer, I would love to connect through email, a phone call or you can fill out this form so we can get to know you, pray for you, and get caught up on Your Story.

There are many other ways you can stay informed and connected with Northwestern. You can follow us on Facebook (Alumni of University of Northwestern), or Instagram (UNW_alumni). These sights keep you up to date on what is happening on campus, events you can attend, and opportunities to come visit us here on campus or in your area at an Alumni Connection Event.

I am excited to reconnect with my classmates and meet many of the 30,000 alumni that have called Northwestern home. May God bless you and keep you!