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Vulnerability in Trials: Allison (Young) Lundeen ’05

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Allison (Young ‘05) Lundeen recalls her faith truly becoming her own while she was a student at Northwestern. What she didn’t know back then is that her faith would undergo an unthinkable trial in the years ahead.

In 2013, her daughter, Juliet, was diagnosed with a genetic disorder called Trisomy 18. Typically, babies with such a condition are not expected to live, and it was recommended that she terminate her pregnancy. However, Allison believed that every child was a gift from God and that “this little girl deserved a chance.”

Amazingly, Juliet was safely born and lived 38 wonderful days with her loving parents and siblings. Allison recalls her passing as the greatest challenge her faith has yet faced. During this time, Allison began to share this story on her blog, proverbs31girl.com. Her vulnerability and the glimpse she gave her followers of Juliet’s life on earth impacted many and led some to Christ.

Allison summed up this remarkable trial by saying, “I think it has taught [my family] that this world is not our home, and that eternity is closer at hand than we may think. We want to make sure we are living our purpose every day here in light of eternity.”