
Get Connected

We developed a searchable database of alumni and professionals to expand your network, explore careers, find clarity, and get help with job and internship opportunities.

Since networking is responsible for at least 85% of new jobs, UNW students need to connect with alumni and other professionals. Facilitating these connections is a top priority for Career Development at UNW.

We outlined 12 “communities” that alumni and professionals could join, such as Accounting & Finance, Engineering, Business & Leadership, Government & Nonprofit, as well as 12 possible activities, such as give career advice, be a speaker on a panel, review resumes, etc. So far, we’ve assembled 330+ alumni and professionals who have volunteered to be available for our students. Students and alumni are able to search the listings via a closed link available through Career Development for access to community members’ photo, job title and employer, LinkedIn, and email.

Career Communities are industry-specific groups of alumni and professionals who partner with UNW to connect with students. They might speak in a classroom or at a chapel, attend networking events on campus, be available for informational interviews, share career advice, review resumes, or communicate job and internship opportunities. They provide real-world career connections for students to explore options and opportunities so they can make more informed career choices.

If you are interested in joining a Career Community, please reach out to the Career Development team. Students can access the Career Community via myUNW.

Benefits for Students:

  • Build connections with alumni and professionals in your field
  • Gain helpful industry-specific connections and advice
  • Obtain leads and referrals for internship and job opportunities
  • Cultivate potential mentoring relationships
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Career and Leadership Development


Nazareth Hall, N4106
3003 Snelling Avenue North
St. Paul, MN 55113