We have WHO you want
Employers, you told us the kind of employee/intern you are looking for. Northwestern has who you want. We work to develop students to be employees with conviction, having high standards that will contribute to your company, your culture, and your products. The training our students receive make them competent in their field of study and also competent in professional workplace skills ready to enter the workforce.
We help you find the right employee
Interested in posting a job, inquire about hiring an intern, schedule a table visit, or post an event? Contact us! We want to help you.

Are you looking for an intern or entry-level employee? We invite you to join our free platform, Handshake, that enables employers to search for top talent at universities, post jobs/internships, and schedule an on-campus recruiting table or interviews.
Handshake Instructions:
- If your organization does not have an account, create an employer profile in our internship/job posting system, Handshake. After you complete the profile, you will receive an email from Handshake with approval (within 2-3 business days).
- If your organization has an account in Handshake, but you are not a contact in the system, just follow these instructions. It may be a good idea to check with your Human Resources department to see if there are any approvals needed within your organization to post to jobs/internships.
- For assistance with setting up your account, Handshake has a great Help Center to answer your frequently asked questions. If you still need assistance, please email us at career@unwsp.edu.
Student Survey Data
Our recent graduate and internship surveys attest to the success of our students. See and read about how they have made a difference in their workplaces.
How does Northwestern determine the employment rate of its graduates?
Following the standard practice of most colleges and universities, Northwestern obtains information about the employment status of students at exit and follows up with graduates between 6 and 9 months after graduation. Data from the follow up survey is reported in April of each year for the previous complete academic year (December and May graduates).
How reliable is the information?
Graduates give a self-report on their employment status. Northwestern works diligently to get a response rate for the follow up survey that meets or exceed standards for statistical reliability.
What does Northwestern do to help graduates find fulfilling work?
Career Development provides a range of free services for students and alumni, including career coaching and professional development events, both on and off campus. Career coaches provide training in job search strategies, interviewing, resume writing, and other professional development topics. Northwestern also utilizes Handshake, an online job-posting platform where students and alumni can search and apply for jobs.