American Ideals or American Idols?: Thinking Christianly about Freedom

April 15, 2025
7:00 p.m. CST

Nazareth Great Room

3003 Snelling Ave North
St. Paul, MN 55113


What does it mean to be free?

Freedom is central to our heritage not only as Americans, but as Christians who have been brought out of slavery to sin and set free to follow Christ (Gal 5.1).

Yet we live in a time when freedom is frequently invoked as an opportunity for the flesh, where personal autonomy is prioritized, and when the exercise of moral judgment is dismissed even among Christians as legalism.  

So what does it mean to be free? Is what we think about freedom a Christian ideal or an American idol? What does Christian liberty have to do with political freedom? How do we distinguish freedom of conscience from relativism? How can we use our freedom well?

Join us as we explore these issues with theologian and political commentator, Dr. Brad Littlejohn. In a public lecture and moderated q&a, Littlejohn will be discussing key insights from his new book, “Called to Freedom: Retrieving Christian Liberty in an Age of License.”