Brick Paver Program

For $500 you can purchase a brick to honor someone in your life, celebrate an important event, or engrave your favorite verse. Your paver will leave a lasting mark on the UNW campus, and a lasting impact on the life of a student.

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Buy a Brick, Build Your Legacy

The brick paver stones, located near the Billy Graham Community Life Commons and the Totino Fine Arts Center are a testament to God’s faithfulness and your way to honor the memory or thought of a loved one or to connect your name with the history of University of Northwestern. In addition, you will leave a lasting impact on the life of a UNW student with proceeds creating scholarships for the Northwestern Scholarship Fund.

Your Legacy In 3 Easy Steps!

Decide Who to Honor?

brick paver with writing on it

Place Your Order

Build Your Legacy


For more information about the brick program, please e-mail: [email protected].