
Americans with Disabilities

UNW has taken extensive steps toward achieving compliance with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act section 508.


University of Northwestern – St.Paul is committed to providing equal access to valuable information for prospective students, current students and their families. This website represents a significant step forward in accessibility for people using the most common assistive devices. In order to achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, section 508, we have Incorporated instructions and recommendations offered by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in the second edition of their Web Content Accessibility Guildeines (WCAG 2.0).

ADA compliance is an ongoing initiative at Northwestern. We review all new content and imagery through the lens of accessibility and are working hard to close any remaining gaps in accessibility related to downloadable documents. If you are a person in need of assistive technologies and notice an area of our website that is inaccessible to you, please notify us.

Report Accessibility Issue

If you experience accessibility issues on our website, please report them

Email UNW

Register for an Internship

While we encourage every student to complete 1-4 internships during college, some majors require an internship prior to graduation.

Academic Success