Designed for students who are planning to start or manage a small business or start-up. The entrepreneurship minor provides a sampling of courses in accounting, finance, management, marketing, and entrepreneurship.
What will I learn?
The entrepreneurship minor provides a sampling of courses in accounting, finance, management, marketing, and entrepreneurship.
MGT 3075
An introductory study of how to start a small business. Students examine their readiness to start a business, survey the legal issues facing a start-up and examine the various approaches to business formation. Students apply the topics of marketing research and marketing mix, finance, and operations to the formulation of a comprehensive business plan, market and finance assessment.
MGT 2271
This introductory course surveys the essential theories of business management and their application to maximize workforce performance. Topics investigated include general management responsibilities such as organizational planning, utilizing metrics, and motivating work teams.
ACC 2101
Principles of Financial Accounting
A study of fundamental accounting principles, financial statements, and the analysis and reporting of business transactions.
MKT 1085
Principles of Marketing
The structure, function and behavior of marketing systems are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the impact of social and economics environment and on the process of the decision-making aspect of marketing.

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