The psychology minor provides you with a foundational understanding of human behavior and interpersonal interactions. You will learn about general themes of psychology, human development from conception to death, issues related to mental illness, and the basic theories underlying psychological functioning. All courses are taught from a Christ-centered perspective so you learn the core content of psychology but also evaluate the ways in which psychology fits and/or conflicts with your faith.
What will I learn?
You will learn to analyze, think critically, and examine the human mind.
PSY 3207
Abnormal Psychology
An examination of the multidimensional determinants which influence the development of psychopathology. Students will explore assessment, diagnosis, and the conceptualization of disorders as defined by the Diagnostic Statistical Manual classification system. An exploration of etiology, diagnostic considerations, and cultural factors will be emphasized. Clinical and scientific research will be examined to understand psychopathology and mental health.
PSY 4425
Clinical Health Psychology
This course addresses the common health psychology-related medical conditions within a primary care context. A Biblical perspective is applied and integrated with prevention and intervention recommendations.
PSY 1005
Introduction to Psychology
A study of human behavior. Consideration is given to methodology and concepts in the areas of learning, motivation, emotions, perception, intelligence and personality.
PSY 2108
Lifespan Psychology
A study of the nature and implications of development from conception through death. Emphasis is upon cognitive, moral, spiritual, emotional, interpersonal, and self-development. Topics to be addressed include stages of development from birth through adolescence; maturation during the college years; critical periods of adulthood; marriage, and parenting; ageism and physiological processes of aging; death and dying.
PSY 3308
Principles of Counseling
A study of the clinical types of mental illness, the schools of psychotherapy and the theories and techniques of counseling. Emphasis is upon personality integration and the principles of mental health. Consideration is given to the legal, ethical and practical implications of counseling relationships. Reference is made to various personality tests.

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Professors at Northwestern are focused on their students first. Our faculty include experts in their respective fields who want to help you grow in your faith while you earn your degree.