
Emergency Response

We take safety seriously at Northwestern and our public safety office is here to help our students. Check out what to do during emergency drills, medical emergencies, severe weather, and much more.


We value the safety and security of all community members in our care and make it a top priority to act with speed and intention in the event of an emergency. It is vital for each person to be adequately informed in order to understand procedure and his/her role in the event of an emergency on campus.

Emergency Drills

In order to familiarize the college community with the emergency procedures, Northwestern will conduct regular emergency drills for students and employees to practice walking through the steps to take in the event of an emergency.

All students and employees are strongly encouraged to add the University of Northwestern Public Safety phone number, 651-631-5310, as a cell phone speed-dial option; calls are answered 24 hours a day.

Emergency Procedures

The emergency procedures below describe the responsibilities necessary of each person in emergency situations.

Student Personal Evacuation Planning Guide

A planning guide for students and their parents to read through together to be best prepared for an emergency which requires evacuation from campus.

Medical Emergency

  • Call 9-1-1 immediately if this is a life-threatening emergency.
  • Call Public Safety (ext. 5310 or 651-631-5310).
  • Stay with the individual and do not attempt to move the individual unless they are in danger.
  • Calmly allow emergency personnel to address the situation.

Severe weather

  • When siren sounds, move all persons to lowest level hallways and tunnels to avoid glass and debris.
  • Assist persons with disabilities or special needs.
  • Stay away from windows and skylights.
  • Make sure all doors are closed, and keep corridors clear of objects.
  • Wait for “all clear” to return to other campus areas.


  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
  • Calmly evacuate the building using the nearest exit while assisting persons with disabilities or special needs.
  • Call 9-1-1 then Public Safety (ext. 5310 or 651-631-5310).
  • Do not enter building until authorized by emergency personnel.

Suspicious Person

  • Do not physically confront the person or block the person’s access to an exit.
  • Call Public Safety (ext. 5310 or 651-631-5310); provide as much information as possible about the person and their direction of travel.

Dangerous Person

  • Watch Run, Hide, Fight.
  • Remove yourself from the person/area if possible. If safe to do so, leave the building.
  • If remaining in the building, lock and barricade room door.
  • Turn off lights and equipment.
  • Call 9-1-1 then Public Safety (ext. 5310 or 651-631-5310).
  • Remain in secured area until “all clear” has been given by law enforcement or Public Safety.

Power Outage

  • Call Public Safety (ext. 5310 or 651-631-5310).
  • Remain calm and move cautiously to a lighted area while assisting persons with special needs. Exits may be indicated by lighted signs if the emergency power is operating.
  • Turn off stoves and unplug computers, appliances and other voltage-sensitive equipment.
  • Do NOT tamper with or reset tripped fuses or switches.
  • Do NOT use candles during power outages.

Natural Gas Leak

  • Remain calm and evacuate the building or area immediately while assisting persons with disabilities or special needs.
  • Call Public Safety (ext. 5310 or 651-631-5310).
  • Do NOT use light switches, cell phones, or anything else that could cause a spark.
  • Do NOT use or tamper with any equipment.

Hazardous Materials Release

  • Move away from the site of the hazard to a safe location.
  • Call 9-1-1 immediately if this is a life-threatening emergency.
  • Call Public Safety (ext. 5310 or 651-631-5310).
  • Alert others to stay clear of the area.
  • Notify emergency personnel if you have been exposed or have information about the release.

Suspicious Object

  • Do NOT touch or disturb the object.
  • Calmly leave the area.
  • Call Public Safety (ext. 5310 or 651-631-5310).