
UNWRA Governance

Information regarding the University of Northwestern Retirees Association policies and membership.



  • The Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary/Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by the membership of the Association at its annual meeting. All officers shall hold office for the period of one year (from annual meeting). He/she may be elected for up to three consecutive terms.
  • The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall represent the Association in carrying out the directives and actions of the Board of Directors and membership. He/she shall report quarterly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University (VPAA).
  • The Vice President shall assist the President as needed. He/she will assume the role of President if the President resigns or is dismissed from office.
  • The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Annual Meeting of the membership, update operating manuals and By-Laws as needed, and perform other duties as requested by the President.
  • The officers shall serve without financial compensation but may be paid reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties and approved by the Board or the VPAA.

Board of Directors

  • The Officers of the Association, along with representation from the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, will function as its Board. As the membership grows, a larger board may be established with the officers and VPAA representative acting as an Executive Committee. Annual Meeting Minutes.
  • The function of the Board of Directors will be to advance the purposes of the Association and report regularly to the membership regarding its actions and activities.

Meetings of the Association

  • The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held during Homecoming Week in conjunction with the Fall Luncheon.
  • The Spring Luncheon will be held on the Scholarship Symposium day in the spring.

Previous Meeting Minutes


  • Program: Arranges for luncheon speakers and handles logistics of luncheon.
  • Membership: Recruits new members and manages membership database.
  • Nominating: Proposes slate of officer and Board candidates for the membership.
  • UNWRA Cares: Provides support to spouses and families grieving a death or coping with hospitalization or disability.
  • UNWRA History: Compiles and organizes material for an annual UNWRA contribution to the University Archives.
  • Prayer: Shares prayer requests with membership.


  • A member is entitled to one vote on any issue or subject submitted to the membership at the annual meeting. Voting by proxy and cumulative voting are not permitted. The Board of Directors may direct that any issue shall be submitted to the membership vote by mail or online ballot.

Parliamentary Authority

  • Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the conduct of such meetings unless it is inconsistent with the Association’s By-Laws.

By-Law Amendments

  • The By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of those present and voting at any meeting of the members of the Association at which there is a quorum. Due notice of the proposed amendment shall be given to the members prior to the meeting.

History of UNWRA

  • Exploratory Retirees Task Force meets – 2015 -2016
    • (Mark Baden, Jerry Beilby, Ardel Caneday, Sally Harris, Tim Kowalik, Hal Miller, Tim Rich)
  • UNWRA By-laws and governing structure defined – Dec. 1, 2015
  • UNWRA Kick-off Luncheon meeting during Homecoming October 1, 2016
  • UNWRA Luncheons held twice a year (Fall – Homecoming and Spring – Scholarship Symposium)


  • 2016/2017 – Tim Kowalik–President; Mark Baden–VP; Bill Eppright-Secretary
  • 2017/2018 – Tim Kowalik–President; Mark Baden–VP; Bill Eppright-Secretary
  • 2018/2019 – Mark Baden-President; Bill Eppright-VP; Tim Kowalik-Secretary
  • 2019/2020 – Tim Kowalik-President; Phil Lueck-VP; Mona Grellson-Secretary
  • 2020/2021 – Tim Kowalik-President; Jerry Beibly-VP
  • 2021/2022 – Tim Kowalik-President; Jerry Beibly-VP
  • 2022/2023 – Tim Kowalik-President

UNWRA eNewsletter

  • UNWRA eNewsletter is a free, monthly electronic newsletter sent to all members. Members may review past issues by accessing the archives. Members are encouraged to send in updates, story ideas, photos and other content to the editor for publication.


  • Help Spread the Word About UNWRA. We want every University of Northwestern retiree to be included in the UNWRA but we need your help in getting the word out. Sometimes our initial contact information is incorrect or obsolete. Would you be willing to help us update our database by contacting former UNW colleagues you know personally to see if they are receiving and reading the UNWRA eNewsletter? A simple phone call or email to them would be appreciated. We don’t want anyone to miss out. Send any email updates to Tim Kowalik at [email protected].

Benefits of Membership

  • Free tickets to UNW music/theater and sporting events
  • On-going access to myUNW, UNW email, BRC
  • Audit UNW courses for free
  • Volunteer and mentoring opportunities
  • UNWRA eNewsletter
  • Access to UNWRA digital directory
  • Attend UNWRA Luncheons

Faith Radio Streaming

You can stream any of our stations by downloading our app. Just visit your app store and search “Faith Radio” for talk/teaching and search your station name to stream your favorite music station.