
Nazareth Hall

The crowning architectural centerpiece of our campus, Nazareth Hall, has a rich history dating back to the 1920s. Today, it serves as the hub of our academic and administrative activities, as well as a popular local wedding venue.


Built between 1921 and 1923, the four-story Nazareth Hall was designed as a preparatory seminary for young men ages 14-21. Nazareth Hall Preparatory Seminary educated students from 1923 to 1970.

Today the impressive main building on the campus of University of Northwestern is still known as Nazareth Hall. It functions as the primary academic and administrative building. In the Twin Cities community, Nazareth Hall is best known for the spectacular Nazareth Chapel, a popular wedding venue.

For more information on Nazareth Hall, read the article “Designing the dream of Nazareth Hall” by Dr. Mark Baden.