

A variety of services are available, whether you are a job seeker, an employer, or you want to connect with students.

Northwestern alumni can receive free career coaching services for life, and we also have opportunities for alumni to share their wisdom with current students.

Career coaches are available in-person, via phone, or virtually to walk students and alumni through their career questions step by step.

Appointment Information

Virtual and in-person coaching appointments can be scheduled through Handshake.


Career & Leadership Development

The Career & Leadership Development team provides many free tools to help students and alumni pursue their goals.

Our career experts also share professional guidance through coaching. Coaching topics include, but are not limited to:

Connect with students

Interested in hiring or recruiting quality students from UNW?

Post a Position Hire from UNW

Contact Us

Career and Leadership Development


Nazareth Hall, N4106
3003 Snelling Avenue North
St. Paul, MN 55113